*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include ZSOFTCOPY_HTML_BASE * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& * *& This file is part of ZSOFTCOPY. * *& * *& ZSOFTCOPY is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * *& it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * *& by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * *& or any later version. * *& * *& ZSOFTCOPY is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * *& but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * *& MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * *& GNU General Public License for more details. * *& * *& You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * *& along with ZDOWNLOAD. If not, see . * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& * *& Author: Ruediger von Creytz ruediger.creytz@globalbit.net * *& Copyright: globalBIT, LLC http://www.globalbit.net * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * html_base *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_base. PERFORM html_base_about. PERFORM html_base_gpl. PERFORM html_base_index. PERFORM html_base_default_main. ENDFORM. "html_base *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * html_base_about *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_base_about. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, lt_html TYPE it_string, l_laiso TYPE laiso, l_sptxt TYPE sptxt, l_gpl TYPE string, l_link TYPE string. PERFORM get_spras USING sy-langu l_laiso l_sptxt. l_gpl = txt_product_under_gpl. CONCATENATE '' 'GNU General Public License' '' INTO l_link. PERFORM replace_single USING '#GPL#' l_link CHANGING l_gpl. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO lt_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' 'SoftCopy' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO lt_html. PERFORM html_add_meta CHANGING lt_html. APPEND '' TO lt_html. APPEND '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '

' 'SoftCopy' '

' '
' txt_version ': ' gc_version '
' ' ' '
' '©2008-' gc_version+0(4) ' globalBIT, LLC.' '
' txt_all_rights_reserved '
' ' ' '
' l_gpl '
' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO lt_html. PERFORM download USING lt_html 'MENU' 'HELP' 'about' gc_extension_htm abap_false. ENDFORM. "html_base_about *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * html_base_default_main *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_base_default_main. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, lt_html TYPE it_string, l_laiso TYPE laiso, l_sptxt TYPE sptxt. PERFORM get_spras USING sy-langu l_laiso l_sptxt. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO lt_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' 'SoftCopy' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO lt_html. PERFORM html_add_meta CHANGING lt_html. APPEND '' TO lt_html. APPEND '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '

' 'SoftCopy' '

' '
' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO lt_html. PERFORM download USING lt_html space space 'default' gc_extension_htm abap_false. ENDFORM. "html_base_default_main *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * GPL *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_base_gpl. DATA: l_title TYPE string, lt_html TYPE it_string. *HTML PERFORM html_main_popupheader USING 'GNU General Public License' CHANGING lt_html. * Content PERFORM lic_gpl_html CHANGING l_title lt_html. * Footer PERFORM html_main_popupfooter CHANGING lt_html. *Download PERFORM download USING lt_html 'MENU' 'HELP' 'GPL' gc_extension_htm abap_false. ENDFORM. "html_base_gpl *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * html_base_index *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_base_index. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, lt_html TYPE it_string, lt_prop TYPE it_prop, l_laiso TYPE laiso, l_sptxt TYPE sptxt, l_height TYPE string, l_width TYPE string, l_props TYPE string, l_uri_props TYPE string. CONSTANTS: l_c_info_height TYPE i VALUE 400, l_c_info_width TYPE i VALUE 600. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_prop. PERFORM get_spras USING sy-langu l_laiso l_sptxt. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO lt_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' 'SoftCopy' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO lt_html. PERFORM html_add_meta CHANGING lt_html. APPEND '' TO lt_html. *CSS APPEND '' '' '' '' * Top Menu '' '' '' '' * Title '' '' '' '
' '' '' * Menu '' * System '' * Help '' '' '
' '' txt_menu '' '
' '
' '' '' '' '' '
' '' txt_first_page '' '
' '
' '
' '' txt_system '' '
' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' txt_status '' '
' '' txt_kernel_information___1 '' '
' '' txt_component_information '' '
' '
' '
' '' txt_help '' '
' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' 'globalBIT' '' '
' '' txt_updates '' '
' '' txt_about '' '
' '
' '
' '
' 'powered by globalBIT' '
' 'SoftCopy' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO lt_html. PERFORM html_base_popup USING 'info' l_c_info_width l_c_info_height CHANGING lt_html. APPEND '' TO lt_html. CONCATENATE * '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO lt_html. PERFORM download USING lt_html space space 'index' gc_extension_htm abap_false. ENDFORM. "html_base_index *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * html_base_popup *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_base_popup USING value(i_id) TYPE string value(i_width) TYPE i value(i_height) TYPE i CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_width TYPE string, l_height TYPE string, l_caption_width TYPE string, l_div_width TYPE string, l_div_height TYPE string, ls_html TYPE string. l_width = i_width. CONDENSE l_width. l_height = i_height. CONDENSE l_height. l_caption_width = i_width - 16. CONDENSE l_caption_width. l_div_width = i_width + 4. CONDENSE l_div_width. l_div_height = i_height + 20. CONDENSE l_div_height. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' 'Filter' '' '
' '' '×' '' '
' '
' '' '' '' '' '
' ' ' '
' '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. APPEND '' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_base_popup *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * html_base_popup_css *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_base_popup_css CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. CONCATENATE '.popupClose{' 'background-color:#102873;' 'border-bottom:1px solid #63828c;' 'border-left-width:0px;' 'border-right:1px solid #63828c;' 'border-top:1px solid #adb6ce;' 'border-spacing:0px;' 'font-size:12px;' 'padding-bottom:0px;' 'padding-left:3px;' 'padding-right:0px;' 'padding-top:1px;' 'text-align:right !important;' 'vertical-align:top !important;' 'width:20px;' '}' '.popupCloseButton{' 'background-color:#102873;' 'border:1px solid #5a69a5;' 'color:#5a69a5;' 'height:12px;' 'overflow:hidden;' 'text-align:center;' 'vertical-align:top;' 'width:12px;' '}' '.popupCloseLink{' 'color:#5a69a5;' 'font-size:13px;' 'font-style:normal;' 'font-weight:normal;' 'line-height:13px;' 'margin:0px;' 'text-align:right !important;' 'text-decoration:none;' 'vertical-align:top;' '}' '.popupContent{' 'background-color:#94b2c5;' 'border-width:0px;' 'border-spacing:0px;' 'color:#000000;' 'font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' 'font-size:12px;' 'font-style:normal;' 'font-weight:normal;' 'margin:0px 0px;' 'padding:2px;' 'text-align:left;' '}' '.popupContentArea{' 'background-color:#94b2c5;' 'border-bottom:1px solid #3a3d3a;' 'border-left:1px solid #b5b6ad;' 'border-right:1px solid #cecabd;' 'border-top:1px solid #849ead;' 'border-spacing:0px;' 'color:#000000;' 'font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' 'font-size:12px;' 'font-style:normal;' 'font-weight:normal;' 'margin:0px 0px;' 'padding:0px;' 'text-align:center;' '}' '.popupContentTable{' 'background-color:#94b2c5;' 'border-bottom:1px solid #63828c;' 'border-left:1px solid #94b2c5;' 'border-right:1px solid #63828c;' 'border-top:1px solid #8caab5;' 'border-spacing:0px;' 'color:#000000;' 'font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' 'font-size:12px;' 'font-style:normal;' 'font-weight:normal;' 'margin:0px 0px;' 'padding:0px;' 'text-align:center;' '}' '.popupDiv{' 'background-color:#94b2c5;' 'display:none;' 'left:0px;' 'position:absolute;' 'top:0px;' 'visibility:hidden;' 'z-index:90;' '}' '.popupTable{' 'background-color:#d6d2ce;' 'border-width:0px;' 'border-spacing:0px;' 'padding:0px;' '}' '.popupTitle{' 'background-color:#102873;' 'border-bottom:1px solid #63828c;' 'border-left:1px solid #adb6ce;' 'border-right-width:0px;' 'border-top:1px solid #adb6ce;' 'border-spacing:0px;' 'color:#9ca6c5;' 'cursor:move;' 'font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' 'font-size:12px;' 'font-style:normal;' 'font-weight:normal;' 'padding-bottom:1px;' 'padding-left:3px;' 'padding-right:3px;' 'padding-top:1px;' 'text-align:left;' 'white-space:nowrap;' '}' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_base_popup_css *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * html_base_popup_js *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_base_popup_js CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. CONCATENATE 'var popupCallbacks=new Array();' 'var popupClicked="";' 'var popupMouseX=0;' 'var popupMouseY=0;' 'var popupValues=new Array();' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. *Sets new content and caption and displays a popup layer CONCATENATE 'function displayPopupLayer(id,caption,content,callback){' 'var width;' 'var height;' 'for(var i=0;i=0){' 'msieVersion=((((myArr[j].replace(/^[^\S]+/,"")' '.replace(/[^\S]+$/,"")).split(" "))[1]).split("."))[0];' '}' '}' '}' 'var filterDivObj=document.getElementById("popup"+id);' 'var left = (document.body.clientWidth - width) / 2;' 'var top = (document.body.clientHeight - height) / 2;' 'left=((window.innerWidth/2)+window.pageXOffset)' '-((parseInt(filterDivObj.style.width))/2)+"px";' 'top=((window.innerHeight/2)+window.pageYOffset)' '-((parseInt(filterDivObj.style.height))/2)+"px";' 'filterDivObj.style.left=left;' 'filterDivObj.style.top=top;' 'filterDivObj.style.display="block";' 'filterDivObj.style.visibility="visible";' 'if(callback!=null && callback!="")' 'popupCallbacks[popupCallbacks.length]=new Array(id,callback);' '}' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * Hides a popup layer CONCATENATE 'function hidePopupLayer(id){' 'document.getElementById("popup"+id).style.display="none";' 'for(var i=0;i