*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include ZSOFTCOPY_HTML_ADD * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& * *& This file is part of ZSOFTCOPY. * *& * *& ZSOFTCOPY is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * *& it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * *& by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * *& or any later version. * *& * *& ZSOFTCOPY is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * *& but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * *& MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * *& GNU General Public License for more details. * *& * *& You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * *& along with ZDOWNLOAD. If not, see . * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& * *& Author: Ruediger von Creytz ruediger.creytz@globalbit.net * *& Copyright: globalBIT, LLC http://www.globalbit.net * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_attributes_1 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_attributes_1 USING is_attributes TYPE st_attributes value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_attributes_1nodiv USING is_attributes CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_attributes_1 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_attributes_1NoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_attributes_1nodiv USING is_attributes TYPE st_attributes CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_name_text TYPE char255, l_bname TYPE char255, l_date_last_changed TYPE char255, l_devclass TYPE char255, l_devclass_descr TYPE char255, l_laiso TYPE char255, l_sptxt TYPE char255, l_checked TYPE string. WRITE is_attributes-name_text TO l_name_text. WRITE is_attributes-bname TO l_bname. WRITE is_attributes-date_last_changed TO l_date_last_changed. WRITE is_attributes-devclass TO l_devclass. WRITE is_attributes-devclass_descr TO l_devclass_descr. WRITE is_attributes-laiso TO l_laiso. WRITE is_attributes-sptxt TO l_sptxt. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF is_attributes-display_rfcenable = abap_true. CLEAR l_checked. IF is_attributes-rfcenable = abap_true. l_checked = ' checked="checked"'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. IF is_attributes-display_appview = abap_true. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. APPEND '
' txt_last_changed_on_by '' '' l_bname '' '' l_date_last_changed '  
' txt_package '' l_devclass '' l_devclass_descr '
' txt_original_language '' l_laiso '' l_sptxt '
' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' txt_allow_rfc '
' '
' txt_appending_view '' is_attributes-appview ' 
' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_attributes_1NoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_attributes_2 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_attributes_2 USING is_attributes TYPE st_attributes value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_descript TYPE char255, l_author TYPE char255, l_author_text TYPE char255, l_date_created TYPE char255, l_bname TYPE char255, l_name_text TYPE char255, l_date_last_changed TYPE char255, l_devclass TYPE char255, l_devclass_descr TYPE char255, l_laiso TYPE char255, l_sptxt TYPE char255, l_internal_name TYPE char255, l_initial_bsp TYPE char255, l_application_class TYPE char255, l_theme TYPE char255, l_checked TYPE string. WRITE is_attributes-descript TO l_descript. WRITE is_attributes-author TO l_author. WRITE is_attributes-author_text TO l_author_text. WRITE is_attributes-date_created TO l_date_created. WRITE is_attributes-bname TO l_bname. WRITE is_attributes-name_text TO l_name_text. WRITE is_attributes-date_last_changed TO l_date_last_changed. WRITE is_attributes-devclass TO l_devclass. WRITE is_attributes-devclass_descr TO l_devclass_descr. WRITE is_attributes-laiso TO l_laiso. WRITE is_attributes-sptxt TO l_sptxt. WRITE is_attributes-internal_name TO l_internal_name. WRITE is_attributes-initial_bsp TO l_initial_bsp. WRITE is_attributes-application_class TO l_application_class. WRITE is_attributes-theme TO l_theme. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF is_attributes-space_after_descript = abap_true. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF is_attributes-is_bsp_appl = abap_true. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. IF is_attributes-display_rfcenable = abap_true. CLEAR l_checked. IF is_attributes-rfcenable = abap_true. l_checked = ' checked="checked"'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. APPEND '
' txt_short_description___2 '' l_descript '
' txt_created_by___2 '' '' l_author '' ' ' txt_created_on '' l_date_created ' 
' txt_last_changed_by___2 '' '' l_bname '' ' ' txt_changed_on '' l_date_last_changed ' 
' txt_package '' '' l_devclass '' ' 
' txt_original_language '' '' l_laiso '' ' 
' txt_internal_name '' l_internal_name ' 
' txt_initial_bsp '' l_initial_bsp '
' txt_application_class '' l_application_class ' 
' txt_theme '' l_theme ' 
' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. CLEAR l_checked. IF is_attributes-stateful = abap_true. l_checked = ' checked="checked"'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. CLEAR l_checked. IF is_attributes-supports_portal_integration = abap_true. l_checked = ' checked="checked"'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' txt_stateful '
' '' '' txt_supports_portal_integratio '
' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' txt_allow_rfc '
' '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_attributes_2 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_attributes_3 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_attributes_3 USING is_attributes TYPE st_attributes value(i_title_ml) value(i_name_ml) it_accessmode_ml TYPE it_access value(i_title_mr) it_ti_mr TYPE it_textinput value(i_title_u) it_ti_u TYPE it_textinput value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_descript TYPE char255, l_devclass TYPE char255, l_devclass_descr TYPE char255, l_laiso TYPE char255, l_sptxt TYPE char255, l_date_last_changed TYPE char255, l_time_last_changed TYPE char255, l_date_last_generation TYPE char255, l_time_last_generation TYPE char255. WRITE is_attributes-descript TO l_descript. WRITE is_attributes-devclass TO l_devclass. WRITE is_attributes-devclass_descr TO l_devclass_descr. WRITE is_attributes-laiso TO l_laiso. WRITE is_attributes-sptxt TO l_sptxt. WRITE is_attributes-date_last_changed TO l_date_last_changed. WRITE is_attributes-time_last_changed TO l_time_last_changed. WRITE is_attributes-date_last_generation TO l_date_last_generation. WRITE is_attributes-time_last_generation TO l_time_last_generation. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' txt_short_description___1 '' l_descript '
' txt_original_language '' l_laiso '' l_sptxt '' txt_package '' '' l_devclass '' '
' txt_last_changed_on_by '' l_date_last_changed ' ' l_time_last_changed '  
' txt_last_generation '' l_date_last_generation ' ' l_time_last_generation '  
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_radiobuttonsnodiv USING i_title_ml i_name_ml it_accessmode_ml CHANGING ct_html. APPEND ' ' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_mr it_ti_mr CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_u it_ti_u CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_attributes_3 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_attributes_4 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_attributes_4 USING is_attributes TYPE st_attributes value(i_title_m) it_ti_m TYPE it_textinput value(i_title_u) it_ti_u TYPE it_textinput value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_descript TYPE char255, l_person_responsible TYPE char255, l_person_responsible_descr TYPE char255, l_created_by TYPE char255, l_created_by_descr TYPE char255, l_created_on TYPE char255, l_last_changed_by TYPE char255, l_last_changed_by_descr TYPE char255, l_changed_on TYPE char255, l_application_component TYPE char255. WRITE is_attributes-descript TO l_descript. WRITE is_attributes-person_responsible TO l_person_responsible. WRITE is_attributes-person_responsible_text TO l_person_responsible_descr. WRITE is_attributes-author TO l_created_by. WRITE is_attributes-author_text TO l_created_by_descr. WRITE is_attributes-date_created TO l_created_on. WRITE is_attributes-bname TO l_last_changed_by. WRITE is_attributes-name_text TO l_last_changed_by_descr. WRITE is_attributes-date_last_changed TO l_changed_on. WRITE is_attributes-application_component TO l_application_component. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' txt_short_description___1 '' l_descript '
' txt_person_responsible___2 '' '' l_person_responsible '' ' 
' txt_created_by___2 '' '' l_created_by '' ' ' txt_created_on '' l_created_on ' 
' txt_last_changed_by___2 '' '' l_last_changed_by '' ' ' txt_changed_on '' l_changed_on ' 
' txt_application_component '' l_application_component '   
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_m it_ti_m CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_u it_ti_u CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_attributes_4 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box_begin *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box_begin USING value(i_title) value(i_colspan) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_colspan TYPE num1, l_str TYPE string VALUE '', ls_html TYPE string. l_colspan = i_colspan. IF i_colspan > 1. CONCATENATE ' colspan="' l_colspan '"' INTO l_str. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' '' '' '
' '' i_title '' '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box_begin *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box_end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box_end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box1RB_1TIhornodiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box1rb_1tihornodiv USING value(i_title) it_accessmode TYPE it_access it_ti TYPE it_textinput CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_title '1' CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_radiobuttonsnodiv USING 'boxz' it_accessmode CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE ' ' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box1RB_1TIhornodiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box1RB_1TIvernodiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box1rb_1tivernodiv USING value(i_title) it_accessmode TYPE it_access it_ti TYPE it_textinput CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_title '1' CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_radiobuttonsnodiv USING 'boxx' it_accessmode CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box1RB_1TIvernodiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box1RB_subbox2TI *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box1rb_subbox2ti USING value(i_title) it_accessmode TYPE it_access value(i_subtitle) it_ti_l TYPE it_textinput it_ti_r TYPE it_textinput value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box1rb_subbox2tinodiv USING i_title it_accessmode i_subtitle it_ti_l it_ti_r CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box1RB_subbox2TI *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box1RB_subbox2TInodiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box1rb_subbox2tinodiv USING value(i_title) it_accessmode TYPE it_access value(i_subtitle) it_ti_l TYPE it_textinput it_ti_r TYPE it_textinput CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_title '1' CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_radiobuttonsnodiv USING 'box' it_accessmode CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_subtitle '3' CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti_l CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE ' ' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti_r CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box1RB_subbox2TInodiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box1TI_subboxMSnodiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box1ti_subboxmsnodiv USING value(i_title) it_ti TYPE it_textinput value(i_subtitle) value(i_step) TYPE c value(i_overview_screen) value(i_single_screen) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_int TYPE i, l_overview_screen TYPE string, l_single_screen TYPE string. l_int = i_overview_screen. l_overview_screen = l_int. l_int = i_single_screen. l_single_screen = l_int. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_title '1' CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_subtitle '1' CHANGING ct_html. *Maintenance Screens * one step CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * two step CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * Overview screen CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * Single screen CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '
' txt_maintenance_type '' '' '' '' txt_one_step '' ' 
 ' '' '' '' txt_two_step '' ' 
' txt_maint_screen_no '' txt_overview_screen '' '' l_overview_screen '' '
 ' txt_single_screen '' '' l_single_screen '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box1TI_subboxMSnodiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box1TI_2RB_TI *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box1ti_2rb_ti USING value(i_title_o) it_ti_o TYPE it_textinput value(i_title_ul) value(i_name_ul) it_accessmode_ul TYPE it_access value(i_title_ur) it_ti_ur TYPE it_textinput value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_o it_ti_o CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_radiobuttonsnodiv USING i_title_ul i_name_ul it_accessmode_ul CHANGING ct_html. APPEND ' ' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_ur it_ti_ur CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box1TI_2RB_TI *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box1TI_2TIverNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box1ti_2tivernodiv USING value(i_title_l) it_ti_l TYPE it_textinput value(i_title_ro) it_ti_ro TYPE it_textinput value(i_title_ru) it_ti_ru TYPE it_textinput CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_l it_ti_l CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE ' ' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_ro it_ti_ro CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_ru it_ti_ru CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box1TI_2TIverNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box1TIDbl_Box2TI_2TIx *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box1tidbl_box2ti_2tix USING value(i_title_o) it_ti_ol TYPE it_textinput it_ti_or TYPE it_textinput value(i_title_m) value(i_title_ml) value(i_title_mr) it_ti_ml TYPE it_textinput it_ti_mr TYPE it_textinput value(i_title_ul) value(i_title_ur) it_ti_ul TYPE it_textinput it_ti_ur TYPE it_textinput CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputdblnodiv USING i_title_o it_ti_ol it_ti_or CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_title_m '5' CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_ml it_ti_ml CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE ' ' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_mr it_ti_mr CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '  
' '' '' ' ' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_ul it_ti_ul CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' ' ' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_ur it_ti_ur CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box1TIDbl_Box2TI_2TIx *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box_radioButtons *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box_radiobuttons USING value(i_title) value(i_name) it_accessmode TYPE it_access value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_radiobuttonsnodiv USING i_title i_name it_accessmode CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box_radioButtons *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box_radioButtonsNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box_radiobuttonsnodiv USING value(i_title) value(i_name) it_accessmode TYPE it_access CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_title '1' CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_radiobuttonsnodiv USING i_name it_accessmode CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box_radioButtonsNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box_textInput2Ver *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box_textinput2ver USING value(i_title_o) it_ti_o TYPE it_textinput value(i_title_u) it_ti_u TYPE it_textinput value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_o it_ti_o CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_u it_ti_u CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_boxTextInput2Ver *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box_data_transport *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box_data_transport USING value(i_title) value(i_recording) TYPE flag value(i_compare_flag) TYPE string CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_title '1' CHANGING ct_html. *Recording routine * Standard recording routine CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * no, or user, recording routine CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * Compare Flag CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '
' txt_recording_routine '' '' '' '' txt_standard_recording_routine '' ' 
 ' '' '' '' txt_no_or_user_recording_routi '' ' 
' txt_compare_flag '' '' i_compare_flag '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box_data_transport *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box_textInputDblNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box_textinputdblnodiv USING value(i_title) it_ti_l TYPE it_textinput it_ti_r TYPE it_textinput CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_title '3' CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti_l CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' ' ' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti_r CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box_textInputDblNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_box_textInputNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING value(i_title) it_ti TYPE it_textinput CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING i_title '1' CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_box_textInputNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_container_begin *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_container_begin USING it_tabstrip TYPE it_tabstrip value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: lt_tabstrip TYPE it_tabstrip, ls_html TYPE string, l_class TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_tabstrip. PERFORM get_tabstrip_defined USING it_tabstrip CHANGING lt_tabstrip. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. APPEND '' TO ct_html. APPEND '
' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. LOOP AT lt_tabstrip ASSIGNING WHERE hidden = abap_false AND parent_id = i_id. IF -disabled = abap_true. l_class = 'contentTabDisabled'. ELSEIF -active = abap_true. l_class = 'contentTabOn'. ELSE. l_class = 'contentTabOff'. ENDIF. IF -disabled = abap_false. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ELSE. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE '' '
' -text '' -text '
' '
' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_container_begin *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_container_end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_container_end CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_container_end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_data_type *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_data_type USING is_data_type TYPE st_data_type value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_checked_12 TYPE string, l_checked_1 TYPE string, l_domname_1 TYPE char255, l_domdescr_1 TYPE char255, l_datatype_1 TYPE char255, l_datadescr_1 TYPE char255, l_dataleng_1 TYPE string, l_datadeci_1 TYPE string, l_checked_2 TYPE string, l_datatype_2 TYPE char255, l_dataleng_2 TYPE string, l_datadeci_2 TYPE string, l_checked_34 TYPE string, l_checked_3 TYPE string, l_reftypename_3 TYPE string, l_checked_4 TYPE string, l_datatype_4 TYPE char255, l_datadescr_4 TYPE char255, l_dataleng_4 TYPE string, l_datadeci_4 TYPE string. CASE is_data_type-refkind. WHEN 'R'. l_checked_34 = ' checked="checked" '. CASE is_data_type-reftype. WHEN 'B'. l_checked_4 = ' checked="checked" '. WRITE is_data_type-datatype TO l_datatype_4. WRITE is_data_type-datadescr TO l_datadescr_4. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_data_type-dataleng CHANGING l_dataleng_4. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_data_type-datadeci CHANGING l_datadeci_4. WHEN OTHERS. l_checked_3 = ' checked="checked" '. l_reftypename_3 = is_data_type-domname. ENDCASE. WHEN 'D'. l_checked_12 = ' checked="checked" '. l_checked_1 = ' checked="checked" '. WRITE is_data_type-domname TO l_domname_1. WRITE is_data_type-domdescr TO l_domdescr_1. WRITE is_data_type-datatype TO l_datatype_1. WRITE is_data_type-datadescr TO l_datadescr_1. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_data_type-dataleng CHANGING l_dataleng_1. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_data_type-datadeci CHANGING l_datadeci_1. WHEN OTHERS. l_checked_12 = ' checked="checked" '. l_checked_2 = ' checked="checked" '. WRITE is_data_type-datatype TO l_datatype_2. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_data_type-dataleng CHANGING l_dataleng_2. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_data_type-datadeci CHANGING l_datadeci_2. ENDCASE. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF is_data_type-reftype <> '#'. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' txt_elementary_type '     
 ' '' '' txt_domain '' l_domname_1 '' l_domdescr_1 '
 ' txt_data_type '' l_datatype_1 '' l_datadescr_1 '
 ' txt_length '' l_dataleng_1 '' txt_decimal_places___m '' l_datadeci_1 '
 ' '' '' txt_built_in_type '' txt_data_type '' l_datatype_2 ' 
 ' txt_length '' l_dataleng_2 '' txt_decimal_places___m '' l_datadeci_2 '
' '' '' txt_reference_type ' 
 ' '' '' txt_name_of_ref_type '' l_reftypename_3 ' 
 ' '' '' txt_reference_to_predefined_ty ' 
 ' txt_data_type '' l_datatype_4 '' l_datadescr_4 '
 ' txt_length '' l_dataleng_4 '' txt_decimal_places___m '' l_datadeci_4 '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_data_type *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_definition_1 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_definition_1 USING is_definition TYPE st_definition_1 value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_dataleng TYPE string, l_datadeci TYPE string, l_outputlen TYPE string, lt_ti TYPE it_textinput, ls_ti TYPE st_textinput, l_datatype TYPE char255, l_datadescr TYPE char255, l_convexit TYPE char255, l_signflag TYPE char255, l_lowercase TYPE char255. WRITE is_definition-datatype TO l_datatype. WRITE is_definition-datadescr TO l_datadescr. WRITE is_definition-convexit TO l_convexit. WRITE is_definition-signflag TO l_signflag. WRITE is_definition-lowercase TO l_lowercase. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_definition-dataleng CHANGING l_dataleng. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_definition-datadeci CHANGING l_datadeci. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_definition-outputlen CHANGING l_outputlen. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. REFRESH lt_ti. CLEAR ls_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_data_type. ls_ti-value = l_datatype. ls_ti-input = abap_true. ls_ti-description = l_datadescr. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. CLEAR ls_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_no_of_characters. ls_ti-value = l_dataleng. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. CLEAR ls_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_decimal_places___m. ls_ti-value = l_datadeci. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING txt_formatting lt_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. REFRESH lt_ti. CLEAR ls_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_output_length. ls_ti-value = l_outputlen. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. CLEAR ls_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_convers_routine. ls_ti-value = l_convexit. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. CLEAR ls_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_sign. ls_ti-value = l_signflag. ls_ti-flag = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. CLEAR ls_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_lowercase. ls_ti-value = l_lowercase. ls_ti-flag = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING txt_output_characteristics lt_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "addHTMLDefinition_1 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_definition_2 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_definition_2 USING is_definition TYPE st_definition_2 i_param_table TYPE string it_param_content TYPE ANY TABLE value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, lt_ti TYPE it_textinput, ls_ti TYPE st_textinput, l_selmethod TYPE char255, l_texttab TYPE char255, l_dialogtype TYPE char255, l_hotkey TYPE char255, l_selmexit TYPE char255. WRITE is_definition-selmethod TO l_selmethod. WRITE is_definition-texttab TO l_texttab. WRITE is_definition-dialogtype TO l_dialogtype. WRITE is_definition-hotkey TO l_hotkey. WRITE is_definition-selmexit TO l_selmexit. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. REFRESH lt_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_selection_method. ls_ti-value = l_selmethod. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_text_table. ls_ti-value = l_texttab. ls_ti-input = abap_false. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING txt_data_collection lt_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. REFRESH lt_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_dialog_type. ls_ti-value = l_dialogtype. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_hot_key. ls_ti-value = l_hotkey. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING txt_dialog_behavior lt_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' '' '' '' '
' txt_search_help_exit '' l_selmexit '
' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' txt_parameters '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING i_param_table it_param_content it_param_content CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_definition_2 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_deliv_maint *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_deliv_maint USING is_deliv_maint TYPE st_deliv_maint it_access TYPE it_access value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_tabix TYPE sytabix, l_checked TYPE string, ls_html TYPE string, l_rowcount TYPE i, l_rowspan TYPE string, l_contflag TYPE char255, l_contflag_text TYPE char255, l_mainflag_text TYPE char255, l_sqltab TYPE char255. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_access. WRITE is_deliv_maint-contflag TO l_contflag. WRITE is_deliv_maint-contflag_text TO l_contflag_text. WRITE is_deliv_maint-mainflag_text TO l_mainflag_text. WRITE is_deliv_maint-sqltab TO l_sqltab. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '' TO ct_html. *pool/cluster IF NOT l_sqltab IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. *access IF NOT it_access IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. *cont IF is_deliv_maint-display_cont = abap_true. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. *main IF is_deliv_maint-display_main = abap_true. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. *** APPEND '
' txt_pool_cluster '' l_sqltab '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_radiobuttonsnodiv USING txt_access 'access' it_access CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' txt_delivery_class '' l_contflag '' l_contflag_text ' 
' txt_data_browser_table_view_ma '' l_mainflag_text '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_deliv_maint *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_div_begin *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_div_begin USING value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_style TYPE string, ls_html TYPE string. IF i_on = abap_true. l_style = 'display:block;visibility:visible'. ELSE. l_style = 'display:none;visibility:hidden'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_div_begin *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_div_end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_div_end *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_doc *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_doc USING it_doc TYPE it_string value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_text TYPE string, ls_html TYPE string, l_tabix TYPE string, l_titletag_open TYPE string, l_titletag_close TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. LOOP AT it_doc ASSIGNING . APPEND TO ct_html. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_doc *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_field_label *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_field_label USING is_field_label TYPE st_field_label value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_uname TYPE string, l_date_last_changed TYPE string, l_pack TYPE string, l_pack_descr TYPE string, l_langu TYPE sylangu, l_langu_descr TYPE string, ls_html TYPE string, l_headlen TYPE string, l_reptext TYPE char255, l_scrlen_s TYPE string, l_scrlen_m TYPE string, l_scrlen_l TYPE string, l_scrtext_s TYPE char255, l_scrtext_m TYPE char255, l_scrtext_l TYPE char255. WRITE is_field_label-reptext TO l_reptext. WRITE is_field_label-scrtext_l TO l_scrtext_l. WRITE is_field_label-scrtext_m TO l_scrtext_m. WRITE is_field_label-scrtext_s TO l_scrtext_s. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_field_label-headlen CHANGING l_headlen. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_field_label-scrlen_l CHANGING l_scrlen_l. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_field_label-scrlen_m CHANGING l_scrlen_m. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_field_label-scrlen_s CHANGING l_scrlen_s. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
 ' txt_length '' txt_field_label '
' txt_short '' l_scrlen_s ' ' l_scrtext_s ' 
' txt_medium '' l_scrlen_m ' ' l_scrtext_m ' 
' txt_long '' l_scrlen_l ' ' l_scrtext_l ' 
' txt_heading '' l_headlen ' ' l_reptext '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_field_label *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_further_char *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_further_char USING is_further_char TYPE st_further_char value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, lt_ti TYPE it_textinput, ls_ti TYPE st_textinput, l_deffdname TYPE char255, l_memoryid TYPE char255, l_shlpfield TYPE char255, l_shlpname TYPE char255, l_checked TYPE string. WRITE is_further_char-deffdname TO l_deffdname. WRITE is_further_char-memoryid TO l_memoryid. WRITE is_further_char-shlpfield TO l_shlpfield. WRITE is_further_char-shlpname TO l_shlpname. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. REFRESH lt_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_name. ls_ti-value = l_shlpname. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_parameters. ls_ti-value = l_shlpfield. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING txt_srch_help lt_ti CHANGING ct_html. CLEAR l_checked. IF is_further_char-logflag = abap_true. l_checked = ' checked="checked"'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '
' txt_parameter_id '' l_memoryid '
' txt_default_component_name '' l_deffdname '
' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' txt_change_document '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_further_char *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_iFrame *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_iframe USING value(i_url) value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '' TO ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF NOT i_url IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_iFrame *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_init_access *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_init_access USING is_init_access TYPE st_init_access it_accessmode TYPE it_access value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_info1 TYPE char255, l_info2 TYPE char255, l_occurs TYPE string. WRITE is_init_access-info1 TO l_info1. WRITE is_init_access-info2 TO l_info2. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_init_access-occurs CHANGING l_occurs. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '' TO ct_html. IF NOT is_init_access-info1 IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. IF is_init_access-unknown = abap_false. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. IF NOT is_init_access-info2 IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '
' l_info1 '
' txt_initial_line_number '' l_occurs ' 
' l_info2 '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_radiobuttonsnodiv USING txt_access 'accessmode' it_accessmode CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_init_access *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_key *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_key USING is_key TYPE st_key it_keydef TYPE it_access it_keykind TYPE it_access i_keycomp_table TYPE string it_keycomp_content TYPE ANY TABLE value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '' TO ct_html. IF NOT is_key-info IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' is_key-info '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_radiobuttonsnodiv USING txt_key_definition 'keydef' it_keydef CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_radiobuttonsnodiv USING txt_key_category 'keykind' it_keykind CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' txt_key_components '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING i_keycomp_table it_keycomp_content it_keycomp_content CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_key *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_line_type_1 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_line_type_1 USING is_line_type TYPE st_line_type value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_info TYPE char255, l_checked_1 TYPE string, l_linetype_1 TYPE string, l_rowtype_1 TYPE char255, l_rowdescr_1 TYPE char255, l_checked_2 TYPE string, l_datatype_2 TYPE char255, l_dataleng_2 TYPE string, l_datadeci_2 TYPE string, l_info_2 TYPE string, l_checked_3 TYPE string, l_checked_31 TYPE string, l_reftypename_31 TYPE char255, l_reftypedescr_31 TYPE char255, l_checked_32 TYPE string, l_datatype_32 TYPE char255, l_dataleng_32 TYPE string, l_datadeci_32 TYPE string. CASE is_line_type-rowkind. WHEN 'E'. l_checked_1 = ' checked="checked" '. l_linetype_1 = txt_elementary_type. WRITE is_line_type-rowtype TO l_rowtype_1. WRITE is_line_type-rowdescr TO l_rowdescr_1. WHEN 'S'. l_checked_1 = ' checked="checked" '. l_linetype_1 = txt_structured_type. WRITE is_line_type-rowtype TO l_rowtype_1. WRITE is_line_type-rowdescr TO l_rowdescr_1. WHEN 'L'. l_checked_1 = ' checked="checked" '. l_linetype_1 = txt_table_type. WRITE is_line_type-rowtype TO l_rowtype_1. WRITE is_line_type-rowdescr TO l_rowdescr_1. WHEN space. l_checked_2 = ' checked="checked" '. WRITE is_line_type-datatype TO l_datatype_2. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_line_type-dataleng CHANGING l_dataleng_2. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_line_type-datadeci CHANGING l_datadeci_2. IF is_line_type-dataleng IS INITIAL. l_info_2 = txt_no_length_restriction. ENDIF. WHEN 'R'. l_checked_3 = ' checked="checked" '. CASE is_line_type-reftype. WHEN 'D' OR 'O'. l_checked_31 = ' checked="checked" '. WRITE is_line_type-rowtype TO l_reftypename_31. WHEN 'B'. l_checked_32 = ' checked="checked" '. WRITE is_line_type-rowtype TO l_datatype_32. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_line_type-dataleng CHANGING l_dataleng_32. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_line_type-datadeci CHANGING l_datadeci_32. WHEN 'E' OR 'S' OR 'C' OR 'I'. l_checked_31 = ' checked="checked" '. WRITE is_line_type-rowtype TO l_reftypename_31. WRITE is_line_type-refdescr TO l_reftypedescr_31. ENDCASE. ENDCASE. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. WRITE is_line_type-info TO l_info. CONCATENATE '
' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF NOT l_info IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF NOT l_info_2 IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. IF is_line_type-reftype <> '#'. "R/3 4.6 does not know ref type CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '
' l_info '
' '' '' txt_line_type '' l_rowtype_1 '' l_rowdescr_1 '' l_linetype_1 '
' '' '' txt_built_in_type ' 
 ' txt_data_type '' l_datatype_2 ' 
 ' txt_no_of_characters '' l_dataleng_2 ' ' txt_decimal_places___m '' l_datadeci_2 ' 
' l_info_2 '
' '' '' txt_reference_type ' 
 ' '' '' txt_name_of_ref_type '' l_reftypename_31 '' l_reftypedescr_31 '
 ' '' '' txt_reference_to_predefined_ty ' 
 ' txt_data_type '' l_datatype_32 ' 
 ' txt_length '' l_dataleng_32 '' txt_decimal_places___m '' l_datadeci_32 '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_line_type_1 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_line_type_2 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_line_type_2 USING is_line_type TYPE st_line_type value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_info TYPE char255, l_checked_1 TYPE string, l_range_ctyp_1 TYPE string, l_checked_2 TYPE string, l_datatype_2 TYPE char255, l_datadescr_2 TYPE string, l_dataleng_2 TYPE string, l_datadeci_2 TYPE string, l_rowtype TYPE char255. IF NOT is_line_type-range_ctyp IS INITIAL. l_checked_1 = ' checked="checked" '. l_range_ctyp_1 = is_line_type-range_ctyp. ELSE. l_checked_2 = ' checked="checked" '. WRITE is_line_type-ctdatatype TO l_datatype_2. PERFORM get_dom_value_text USING 'DATATYP' l_datatype_2 CHANGING l_datadescr_2. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_line_type-ctleng CHANGING l_dataleng_2. PERFORM get_unpacked USING is_line_type-ctdecimals CHANGING l_datadeci_2. ENDIF. WRITE is_line_type-rowtype TO l_rowtype. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING txt_associated_type_for_low_hi '1' CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' txt_data_element___1 '' l_range_ctyp_1 ' 
' '' '' txt_built_in_type ' 
 ' txt_data_type '' l_datatype_2 '' l_datadescr_2 '
 ' txt_no_of_characters '' l_dataleng_2 ' ' txt_decimal_places___m '' l_datadeci_2 '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' '' '' '' '
' txt_structured_row_type '' l_rowtype '
' '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_line_type_2 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_meta *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_meta CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_laiso TYPE laiso, l_sptxt TYPE sptxt, ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM get_spras USING sy-langu l_laiso l_sptxt. * charset APPEND '' TO ct_html. * application-name APPEND '' TO ct_html. * author APPEND '' TO ct_html. * copyright APPEND '' TO ct_html. * date CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * generator CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * language CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * rights APPEND '' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_meta *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_methodNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_methodnodiv USING value(i_cpdname) value(i_active) value(i_text_method) i_table TYPE string it_table TYPE ANY TABLE it_table_ext TYPE ANY TABLE it_source TYPE it_string value(i_filename) value(i_filename_no_includes) value(i_filename_compressed) value(i_extension) value(i_id) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_id_sc TYPE string. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING i_table it_table it_table_ext CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' i_text_method '' i_cpdname '' i_active ' 
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM get_id USING i_id 'SC' CHANGING l_id_sc. PERFORM html_add_sourcecodenodiv USING it_source i_filename i_filename_no_includes i_filename_compressed i_extension l_id_sc CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_methodNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_properties *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_properties USING is_properties TYPE st_properties it_ti TYPE it_textinput i_typegroup_table TYPE string it_typegroup TYPE ANY TABLE value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_superclass TYPE char255, l_check_model_inh TYPE flag, l_description TYPE char255, l_creatable TYPE char255, l_clsfinal TYPE flag, l_checked TYPE string. WRITE is_properties-superclass TO l_superclass. WRITE is_properties-check_model_inh TO l_check_model_inh. WRITE is_properties-descript TO l_description. WRITE is_properties-creatable TO l_creatable. WRITE is_properties-clsfinal TO l_clsfinal. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF NOT l_superclass IS INITIAL. CLEAR l_checked. IF l_check_model_inh = abap_true. l_checked = ' checked="checked"'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. IF NOT l_description IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. IF NOT l_creatable IS INITIAL. IF l_clsfinal = abap_true. l_checked = ' checked="checked"'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '
' txt_superclass '' l_superclass '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' txt_modeled_only '
' '
' txt_description '' l_description ' 
' txt_instantiation '' l_creatable ' 
' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' txt_final '
' '
' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' txt_forward_declarations '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING i_typegroup_table it_typegroup it_typegroup CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING txt_general_data it_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_properties *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_properties_o2 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_properties_o2 USING it_header TYPE it_textinput i_page_type_title TYPE string it_page_type_rb TYPE it_access it_page_type_ti TYPE it_textinput i_error_title TYPE string it_error TYPE it_textinput i_status_title TYPE string it_status_rb TYPE it_access it_status_ti TYPE it_textinput i_cache_title TYPE string it_cache_li TYPE it_textinput it_cache_re TYPE it_textinput i_transfer_title TYPE string it_transfer_li TYPE it_textinput it_transfer_re TYPE it_textinput it_footer TYPE it_textinput value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '' TO ct_html. * Header IF NOT it_header IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. * Page Type IF NOT it_page_type_rb IS INITIAL AND NOT it_page_type_ti IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. * Error Handling IF NOT it_error IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. * Status IF NOT it_status_ti IS INITIAL AND NOT it_status_rb IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. * Cache IF NOT it_cache_li IS INITIAL AND NOT it_cache_re IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. * Transfer Options IF NOT it_transfer_li IS INITIAL AND NOT it_transfer_re IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. * Footer IF NOT it_footer IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. * APPEND '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_header CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box1rb_1tihornodiv USING i_page_type_title it_page_type_rb it_page_type_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_error_title it_error CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box1rb_1tivernodiv USING i_status_title it_status_rb it_status_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputdblnodiv USING i_cache_title it_cache_li it_cache_re CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputdblnodiv USING i_transfer_title it_transfer_li it_transfer_re CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_footer CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_properties_o2 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_radioButtonsNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_radiobuttonsnodiv USING value(i_name) it_accessmode TYPE it_access CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_first_row TYPE flag VALUE abap_true, ls_html TYPE string, l_colspan TYPE n, l_name TYPE string, l_ddtext TYPE char255, l_tabix TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_access. APPEND '' TO ct_html. LOOP AT it_accessmode ASSIGNING . l_tabix = sy-tabix. CONDENSE l_tabix. WRITE -ddtext TO l_ddtext. APPEND '' TO ct_html. IF -sub IS INITIAL. l_colspan = 2. ELSE. l_colspan = 1. APPEND '' TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDLOOP. APPEND '
 ' '-checked = abap_true. CONCATENATE ls_html ' checked="checked"' INTO ls_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE i_name -sub INTO l_name. CONCATENATE ls_html ' class="radio"' ' disabled="disabled" name="' l_name '"' ' type="radio"' ' value="' -sub 'x' l_tabix '"/>' '' '' l_ddtext '' '
' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_radioButtonsNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_sourceCode *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_sourcecode USING it_source TYPE it_string value(i_filename) value(i_filename_no_includes) value(i_filename_compressed) value(i_extension) value(i_id) value(i_on) TYPE flag CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_sourcecodenodiv USING it_source i_filename i_filename_no_includes i_filename_compressed i_extension i_id CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_sourceCode *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_sourceCodeNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_sourcecodenodiv USING it_source TYPE it_string value(i_filename) value(i_filename_no_includes) value(i_filename_compressed) value(i_extension) value(i_id) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_style TYPE string, l_source TYPE string, ls_html TYPE string, l_tabix TYPE string, lt_filename TYPE it_string, l_filename TYPE string, l_filename_no_includes TYPE string, l_filename_compressed TYPE string, l_strlen TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE string. SPLIT i_filename AT '/' INTO TABLE lt_filename. LOOP AT lt_filename INTO l_filename. ENDLOOP. PERFORM replace_all USING '<' '-' CHANGING l_filename. PERFORM replace_all USING '>' '-' CHANGING l_filename. SPLIT i_filename_no_includes AT '/' INTO TABLE lt_filename. LOOP AT lt_filename INTO l_filename_no_includes. ENDLOOP. PERFORM replace_all USING '<' '-' CHANGING l_filename_no_includes. PERFORM replace_all USING '>' '-' CHANGING l_filename_no_includes. SPLIT i_filename_compressed AT '/' INTO TABLE lt_filename. LOOP AT lt_filename INTO l_filename_compressed. ENDLOOP. PERFORM replace_all USING '<' '-' CHANGING l_filename_compressed. PERFORM replace_all USING '>' '-' CHANGING l_filename_compressed. APPEND '' TO ct_html. IF NOT l_filename IS INITIAL AND NOT i_extension IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '
' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF NOT l_filename_no_includes IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. IF NOT l_filename_compressed IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '
' '' i_extension '' ' ' '' txt_complete '.' i_extension '' ' ' '' txt_compressed '.' i_extension '' '
' '
' '
' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. LOOP AT it_source ASSIGNING . l_tabix = sy-tabix. CONDENSE l_tabix. l_style = 'srcLine'. l_strlen = strlen( ). IF l_strlen > 1 AND (1) = '*'. l_style = 'srcLineComment'. ENDIF. l_source = . PERFORM encode_html_force CHANGING l_source. IF l_source IS INITIAL. l_source = ' '. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE '
' '
' l_tabix '
' '
' '
' l_source '
' '
' '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_sourceCodeNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_table *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_table USING i_table TYPE string it_content TYPE ANY TABLE it_content_ext TYPE ANY TABLE value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING i_table it_content it_content_ext CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_table *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_table2hor *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_table2hor USING i_table_l TYPE string it_content_l TYPE ANY TABLE it_content_ext_l TYPE ANY TABLE i_table_r TYPE string it_content_r TYPE ANY TABLE it_content_ext_r TYPE ANY TABLE value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING i_table_l it_content_l it_content_ext_l CHANGING ct_html. APPEND ' ' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING i_table_r it_content_r it_content_ext_r CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_table2hor *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_table2ver *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_table2ver USING i_table_o TYPE string it_content_o TYPE ANY TABLE it_content_ext_o TYPE ANY TABLE i_table_u TYPE string it_content_u TYPE ANY TABLE it_content_ext_u TYPE ANY TABLE value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING i_table_o it_content_o it_content_ext_o CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING i_table_u it_content_u it_content_ext_u CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_table2ver *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_tableMaintGenerator *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_tablemaintgenerator USING value(i_tdd_title) it_tdd_textinput TYPE it_textinput value(i_tdd_subtitle) value(i_tdd_step) TYPE c value(i_tdd_overview_screen) value(i_tdd_single_screen) value(i_ddtd_title) value(i_ddtd_recording) TYPE flag value(i_ddtd_compare_flag) TYPE string value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box1ti_subboxmsnodiv USING i_tdd_title it_tdd_textinput i_tdd_subtitle i_tdd_step i_tdd_overview_screen i_tdd_single_screen CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_data_transport USING i_ddtd_title i_ddtd_recording i_ddtd_compare_flag CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_tableMaintGenerator *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_tableNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_tablenodiv USING i_table TYPE string it_content TYPE ANY TABLE it_content_ext TYPE ANY TABLE CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_tabid TYPE string, l_tabcomp TYPE string, l_txt TYPE char255, l_text TYPE string, l_link TYPE char255, l_colored TYPE flag, l_class TYPE string, ls_html TYPE string, l_align TYPE string, l_tabix TYPE sytabix, l_int TYPE i, l_checked TYPE string, l_title TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_table_structure, TYPE ANY, TYPE ANY, TYPE ANY, TYPE ANY, TYPE ANY. SPLIT i_table AT '|' INTO l_tabid l_tabcomp. CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. *title row LOOP AT gt_table_structure ASSIGNING WHERE id = l_tabid. CASE -comparator. WHEN 'CO'. IF NOT l_tabcomp CO -comp_value. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ENDCASE. l_title = -title. PERFORM encode_html CHANGING l_title. IF l_title IS INITIAL. l_title = ' '. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDLOOP. APPEND '' TO ct_html. *content rows LOOP AT it_content ASSIGNING . l_tabix = sy-tabix. LOOP AT it_content_ext ASSIGNING . IF sy-tabix = l_tabix. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. APPEND '' TO ct_html. LOOP AT gt_table_structure ASSIGNING WHERE id = l_tabid. CASE -comparator. WHEN 'CO'. IF NOT l_tabcomp CO -comp_value. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ENDCASE. CLEAR l_txt. CLEAR l_text. ASSIGN COMPONENT -fieldname OF STRUCTURE TO . IF NOT IS ASSIGNED. ASSIGN COMPONENT -fieldname OF STRUCTURE TO . ENDIF. IF IS ASSIGNED. WRITE TO l_txt. UNASSIGN . ENDIF. l_text = l_txt. PERFORM encode_html CHANGING l_text. CLEAR l_link. IF NOT -link_row IS INITIAL. ASSIGN COMPONENT -link_row OF STRUCTURE TO . IF NOT IS ASSIGNED. ASSIGN COMPONENT -link_row OF STRUCTURE TO . ENDIF. IF IS ASSIGNED. WRITE TO l_link. UNASSIGN . ENDIF. ENDIF. CLEAR l_colored. IF NOT -colored_row IS INITIAL. ASSIGN COMPONENT -colored_row OF STRUCTURE TO . IF NOT IS ASSIGNED. ASSIGN COMPONENT -colored_row OF STRUCTURE TO . ENDIF. IF IS ASSIGNED. l_colored = . UNASSIGN . ENDIF. ENDIF. l_align = 'left'. CASE -row_def. WHEN 'B'. l_align = 'center'. IF NOT l_text IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' INTO l_text. ENDIF. WHEN 'C'. l_align = 'center'. WHEN 'F'. l_align = 'center'. CLEAR l_checked. IF l_text = abap_undefined. l_text = space. ELSE. IF l_text = abap_true. l_checked = ' checked="checked"'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' INTO l_text. ENDIF. WHEN 'H'. l_align = 'left'. IF l_colored IS INITIAL. l_class = 'tableLink'. ELSE. l_class = 'tableLinkColored'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' l_text '' INTO l_text. WHEN 'I'. l_align = 'right'. l_int = l_text. l_text = l_int. CONDENSE l_text. WHEN 'L'. l_align = 'left'. WHEN 'R'. l_align = 'right'. ENDCASE. IF l_text IS INITIAL. l_text = ' '. ENDIF. IF l_colored IS INITIAL. l_class = 'innerTableTD'. ELSE. l_class = 'innerTableTDColored'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDLOOP. APPEND '' TO ct_html. ENDLOOP. APPEND '
' l_title '
' l_text '
' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_tableNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_tables *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_tables USING it_tables TYPE it_tables value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, ls_tables TYPE st_tables, lt_ti TYPE it_textinput, ls_ti TYPE st_textinput, l_enqmode TYPE char255, l_tabname TYPE char255. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_tables. READ TABLE it_tables INTO ls_tables WITH KEY primary = abap_true. WRITE ls_tables-enqmode TO l_enqmode. WRITE ls_tables-tabname TO l_tabname. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. REFRESH lt_ti. CLEAR ls_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_name. ls_ti-value = l_tabname. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. CLEAR ls_ti. ls_ti-name = txt_lock_mode. ls_ti-value = l_enqmode. ls_ti-input = abap_true. APPEND ls_ti TO lt_ti. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING txt_primary_table lt_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' '' '' '
' '' txt_secondary_tables '' '
' '
' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. LOOP AT it_tables ASSIGNING WHERE primary = abap_false. WRITE -enqmode TO l_enqmode. WRITE -tabname TO l_tabname. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE '
' txt_name '' txt_lock_mode '
' l_tabname '' l_enqmode '
' '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_tables *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_tech_settings *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_tech_settings USING i_title_params TYPE string it_ti_params TYPE it_textinput i_title_buffer TYPE string it_access_buffer TYPE it_access i_title_buffer_type TYPE string it_ti_buffer_type_l TYPE it_textinput it_ti_buffer_type_r TYPE it_textinput it_ti_bottom TYPE it_textinput value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_title_params it_ti_params CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box1rb_subbox2tinodiv USING i_title_buffer it_access_buffer i_title_buffer_type it_ti_buffer_type_l it_ti_buffer_type_r CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti_bottom CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_tech_settings *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_textInput *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_textinput USING it_ti TYPE it_textinput value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti CHANGING ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_textInput *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_textInputNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti TYPE it_textinput CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: l_first_row TYPE flag VALUE abap_true, ls_html TYPE string, ls_ti TYPE st_textinput, ls_ti2 TYPE st_textinput, l_has_description TYPE flag, l_description TYPE char255, l_name TYPE char255, l_name_suffix TYPE char255, l_value TYPE char255, l_value_text TYPE char255, l_value_ext TYPE char255, l_value_ext_text TYPE char255, l_value_class TYPE string, l_tabix TYPE i, l_colspan TYPE string, l_checked TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_textinput. LOOP AT it_ti ASSIGNING WHERE description <> space. l_has_description = abap_true. EXIT. ENDLOOP. APPEND '' TO ct_html. LOOP AT it_ti INTO ls_ti WHERE flag_col <= 1. l_tabix = sy-tabix. WRITE ls_ti-description TO l_description. IF l_description IS INITIAL. l_description = ' '. ENDIF. WRITE ls_ti-name TO l_name. IF l_name IS INITIAL. l_name = ' '. ENDIF. WRITE ls_ti-name_suffix TO l_name_suffix. WRITE ls_ti-value TO l_value. IF l_value IS INITIAL. l_value = ' '. ENDIF. WRITE ls_ti-value_text TO l_value_text. WRITE ls_ti-value_ext TO l_value_ext. WRITE ls_ti-value_ext_text TO l_value_ext_text. IF l_value_ext IS INITIAL. l_value_ext = ' '. ENDIF. APPEND '' TO ct_html. * Space IF ls_ti-space = abap_true. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * Flag ELSEIF ls_ti-flag = abap_true. CLEAR l_checked. IF l_value = abap_true. l_checked = ' checked="checked"'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. * Textinput ELSE. IF ls_ti-no_name = abap_false. IF l_name_suffix IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. ELSE. CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. ENDIF. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. IF ls_ti-has_value_ext = abap_true AND ls_ti-value_double_length = abap_false. l_colspan = '1'. ELSE. l_colspan = '3'. ENDIF. IF ls_ti-no_name = abap_true. l_colspan = l_colspan + 1. ENDIF. IF ls_ti-input = abap_true. l_value_class = ' class="titleTableDescr"'. ELSE. CLEAR l_value_class. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF ls_ti-has_value_ext = abap_true AND ls_ti-value_double_length = abap_false. IF ls_ti-value_ext_space = abap_true. CLEAR l_value_class. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF NOT l_value_ext_text IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' l_value_ext '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ELSE. APPEND l_value_ext TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF l_has_description = abap_true. CONCATENATE '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. APPEND '' TO ct_html. ENDLOOP. APPEND '
' ' ' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. l_tabix = l_tabix + 1. * a row can have multiple checkboxes LOOP AT it_ti INTO ls_ti2 FROM l_tabix. IF ls_ti2-flag_col > 1. WRITE ls_ti2-name TO l_name. IF l_name IS INITIAL. l_name = ' '. ENDIF. WRITE ls_ti2-value TO l_value. IF l_value IS INITIAL. l_value = ' '. ENDIF. CLEAR l_checked. IF l_value = abap_true. l_checked = ' checked="checked"'. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ELSE. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE '' '
' '' '' l_name ' ' '' '' l_name '
' '
' l_name '' l_name '' l_name_suffix '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. IF NOT l_value_text IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE '' l_value '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ELSE. APPEND l_value TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' ' ' l_description '
' TO ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_textInputNoDiv *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_textInput_subBox *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_textinput_subbox USING it_ti TYPE it_textinput value(i_subbox_title) it_subbox_ti TYPE it_textinput value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_subbox_title it_subbox_ti CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_textInput_subBox *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_textInput_subBox *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_textinput_subboxes USING it_ti TYPE it_textinput value(i_subbox1_title) value(i_subbox1_name) it_subbox1 TYPE it_access value(i_subbox2_title) it_subbox2 TYPE it_textinput value(i_subbox3_title) it_subbox3 TYPE it_textinput value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_textinputnodiv USING it_ti CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_radiobuttonsnodiv USING i_subbox1_title i_subbox1_name it_subbox1 CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_subbox2_title it_subbox2 CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING i_subbox3_title it_subbox3 CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_textInput_subBox *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_transaction *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_transaction USING is_tran TYPE st_transaction it_auth_value TYPE ANY TABLE it_defval_for TYPE it_textinput it_gui_support TYPE it_textinput it_defval TYPE ANY TABLE value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. *Transaction begin CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. *Transaction end *Default values for begin IF is_tran-ttype = gc_tcode_parameter. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. *Default values for end *Classification begin CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. *Classification end *Default values - Parameter begin IF is_tran-ttype = gc_tcode_parameter. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. *Default values - Parameter end APPEND '
' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. *Transaction - Dialog begin IF is_tran-ttype = gc_tcode_dialog. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. *Transaction - Dialog end *Transaction - Report begin IF is_tran-ttype = gc_tcode_report. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. *Transaction - Report end *Transaction - Object begin IF is_tran-ttype = gc_tcode_object. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. *Transaction - Object end *Transaction - Variant begin IF is_tran-ttype = gc_tcode_variant. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. *Transaction - Variant end CONCATENATE '
' txt_transaction_text '' is_tran-ttext '
' txt_program '' is_tran-pgmna '  
' txt_selection_screen '' is_tran-dypno '  
' txt_authorization_object___1 '' is_tran-objct '  
  ' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING 'TRAN_AUTHV' it_auth_value it_auth_value CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' '' txt_maintenance_of_standard_tr '' '
' txt_program '' is_tran-pgmna '  
' txt_selection_screen '' is_tran-dypno '  
' txt_start_with_variant '' is_tran-repo_vari '  
' txt_authorization_object___1 '' is_tran-objct '  
  ' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING 'TRAN_AUTHV' it_auth_value it_auth_value CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' '' '' '' txt_oo_transaction_model '' '   
' txt_class_name '' is_tran-classname '  
' txt_method '' is_tran-method '
' '' '' '' txt_local_in_program '' '' is_tran-pgmna '  
' txt_authorization_object___1 '' is_tran-objct '  
  ' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING 'TRAN_AUTHV' it_auth_value it_auth_value CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' txt_transaction '' is_tran-def_call_tcode '  
' txt_transaction_variant '' is_tran-variant '  
  ' '' '' txt_cross_client '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING txt_default_values_for it_defval_for CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING txt_classification '1' CHANGING ct_html. APPEND '' TO ct_html. IF is_tran-ttype = gc_tcode_parameter OR is_tran-ttype = gc_tcode_variant. CONCATENATE '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' '' txt_inherit_gui_attributes '' '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. **Transaction classification PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING txt_transaction_classification '1' CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' '' txt_professional_user_transact '' ' 
' '' '' '' txt_easy_web_transaction '' ' ' txt_service '' is_tran-clf_service '
 ' '' '' txt_pervasive_enabled '   
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. **GUI support PERFORM html_add_box_textinputnodiv USING txt_gui_support it_gui_support CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_begin USING txt_default_values '1' CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_tablenodiv USING 'TRAN_DEFVA' it_defval it_defval CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_box_end CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '
' TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_transaction *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * form: html_add_value_range *----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM html_add_value_range USING it_value_range TYPE it_value_range value(i_id) value(i_on) CHANGING ct_html TYPE it_string. DATA: ls_html TYPE string, l_ddtext TYPE char255, l_domvalue_h TYPE char255, l_domvalue_l TYPE char255. FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE st_value_range. PERFORM html_add_div_begin USING i_id i_on CHANGING ct_html. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. LOOP AT it_value_range ASSIGNING WHERE domvalue_h = space. WRITE -ddtext TO l_ddtext. WRITE -domvalue_l TO l_domvalue_l. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE '
' txt_single_vars '
' txt_fix_val '' txt_short_description___1 '
' l_domvalue_l '' l_ddtext '
' '
' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. LOOP AT it_value_range ASSIGNING WHERE domvalue_h <> space. WRITE -ddtext TO l_ddtext. WRITE -domvalue_h TO l_domvalue_h. WRITE -domvalue_l TO l_domvalue_l. CONCATENATE '' '' '' '' '' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE '
' txt_intervals '
' txt_lower_limit '' txt_upperlimit '' txt_short_description___1 '
' l_domvalue_l '' l_domvalue_h '' l_ddtext '
' '
' INTO ls_html. APPEND ls_html TO ct_html. PERFORM html_add_div_end CHANGING ct_html. ENDFORM. "html_add_value_range